Finding the perfect backpack can be a challenge. There are tons of backpacks to choose from but few of quality. The solution? The NRGbag Pro!
We’ve created what we believe is one of the best bags for men or women, for school or work, for carrying your tech gadgets or packing for an overnight trip. The tactical backpack was designed with tons of pockets, extra features, comfortable straps, and much more. The bag comes in two stylish colors - Jade Black or Nardo Gray. Both colors look great on the water resistant nylon exterior. The bag also has a sleek military backpack appearance that keeps the bag small and compact even when fully packed.
Speaking of a fully packed bag, our laptop bag was designed to be comfortable to carry no matter the weight. The adjustable shoulder straps allow you to position the bag perfectly. There’s also a cross check locking strap for extra support. The straps and back padding were designed to allow airflow so you wont get sweaty while carrying the bag. Bonus when traveling - the bag can be carried on your luggage with the built-in stretchable back strap. A good bag, whether it’s a gym backpack, messenger bag, or travel bag, should have organization in mind. Our backpack takes things to the next level with pockets galore.
There is of course a large pocket for your laptop computer. The wide laptop compartment was designed to fit computers from 13” to 16” and features extra padding. Other pockets include organizer pockets for pens and pencils, a water bottle holder, side pockets with interior sub-compartments, and large multi-purpose interior pockets for notebooks, business supplies, etc. There are even zipper pockets on the bag straps, a hidden anti-theft back pocket for securing valuables, and a protective glasses pocket. To put the bag over the top as the best tech backpack, we have also included a USB charging slot with built-in cable for quick, easy charging via a powerbank.
NRGbag Pro is truly the ultimate everyday essentials backpack!
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